200-Hour Yoga Teaching Training
CoyDog Botanicals & Yoga 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training is open to everyone, every body, every religion, every belief, every orientation, every expression of what it means to be human. This course will be more than just acquiring knowledge, it will be a full immersion into the art, science, and practice of Yoga. To truly understand Yoga, one must experience it, whether your intention is to teach yoga or simply deepen your personal practice.
This program is the start of something bigger, brighter, and more fascinating than anything that has come before. Our Lead Teacher Leslii Stevens ERYT500, YACEP has invited a few of our closest Friends, Co-workers, Fellow Yogis, Karate Instructors, Innovators, Game Changers, and some of the most amazing souls to bring their knowledge, wisdom, and love to this teaching.
This training will immerse you in the practice and theory of this ancient science, encouraging you to develop a connection with mind, body, and spirit while facilitating personal growth and transformation. Through in-depth exploration and practice, you will leave the program with a stronger foundation in yoga instruction.
In this program, there will be topics and conversations that are tough but important to hear. There will be discussions on racism, sex & sexuality, religion, addiction, depression, current and past societal struggles, cultural appropriation, ethical misconduct and so much more. You will hear swear words and prayer words and witness your stories and the stories of others who have survived or may be currently living with addiction, abuse, surgeries, loss, and sickness. You will hear the opinions of those who may have very different political, social, or spiritual viewpoints than yours. You will be challenged, intrigued, and exhilarated, all while opening you up to all of humanity and what it means to be human. We are ready, how about you?
Yoga today is commonly recognized by asanas (physical postures). It’s through the practice of these postures that we learn to focus our awareness inwards (Pratyahara) and develop better concentration (dharana), which prepares us for meditation (Dhyana). In the meantime, we develop muscular strength, flexibility, and balance, and we stimulate the relaxation response which helps the endocrine and immune systems. Through asana practice, we begin creating a deeper awareness of the way our body moves and feels; this awareness eventually travels into other aspects of our lives. With time and practice, Yoga helps us become more aware of our thoughts and emotions, more aware of who we are and how we express ourselves. As our focus and concentration improve, we can be more present in our lives, find peace and clarity in the mind, and let go of mental distractions like stress, worry, anxiety, frustration, and fear.
This program meets Yoga Alliance standards for a 200-hour teacher training program. There will be a massive amount of absolutely incredible information that easily exceeds the hours of the course but is here for all of us to learn, share and evolve with.
Program Emphasis
Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
Understanding Physical & Mental Benefits of Poses
Teaching Self Alignment
Modification, Contraindications & Use of Props
Art & Science of Sequencing a Limitless Yoga Class
Pranayama; The Art of Breathing
Cultural appropriation
Social Justice
Teaching Ethics & Techniques
Discovering Your Voice & Style; “Teaching from the Heart”
Confidence Building with Practice Teaching
Yoga Philosophy & History; Patanjali’s 8 Limbed Path
Introduction to Traditional Yoga Texts
Introduction to Subtle Practice; Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas & Meditation
Living Your Yoga: Taking It Off the Mat
Body Reading
Ball Rolling
Strength Training for Yogis
Chi gong
Introduction to Karate
Online vs. Live Yoga
Restorative Yoga
Yoga Therapy
Yin yoga
And so much more
The curriculum will be online and is made to be user friendly and flexible, so that each individual can take their time with the material.
Weekly suggestions include
Yoga Practices
Ball Rolling Classes
Practice teaching
Reading Articles
Watching Videos
With the use of Google Classroom, you may take your time and work your way through the curriculum at the pace that works best for you.
Dates & Days are as follows
We will meet for In-Person Yoga Teacher Training Classes on Sundays 11-5 & Saturday 11:30 -6 (All classes will be recorded).
You will also have all access to Leslii Stevens ERYT500 Weekly Yoga and Group Fitness Classes during this training course. (a minim of 3 weekly yoga classes in -person is required)
Our 2025 Course
Dates Stay Tuned
Admittance & Tuition
We recommend that students have been practicing yoga for at least 3 months, but it is not necessary. It is expected that students have some fundamental knowledge of basic postures. Students need to be willing to learn/examine new information and concepts.
Application & Deposit
There is a $300.00 non-refundable deposit. Please fill out the application, you may download PDF here and send $300 ​​​​
Fill out, scan, and email it to Leslii Stevens. You will know within 72 hours if you have been admitted into the program.
Tuition & Fees
Early Bird Registration Paid in Full by
(This includes a $300.00 non-refundable deposit- PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE)
Regular Registration paid in Full Between
(this includes a $300 non-refundable deposit
Regular Registration in Installments*
(this includes a $300.00non-refundable deposit)
*No exceptions will be made - if you pay after the Early Bird rates pass, you will be required to pay the regular rate. You may pay your installment by check
**If you opt to pay in installments and you leave the program before completion, you will be responsible for paying the entire amount of tuition owed even if you do not complete the course.
Makeup Hours
The Yoga Alliance requires 180 contact hours to be completed for certification and program graduation. This course offers over 195.5 contact hours; a student may be absent for up 15.5 of these contact hours (in respective subject categories) 180 contact hours must be attended for completion of the program. However, if more than 15.5 hours of classes are missed, students will be required to schedule time with the instructors to make up missed hours.
200-Hour Teacher Training in-person classes will take place at ?????. The mission at CDBYYTT Training is to create a safe, affordable, and joyful place for yoga, meditation, wellness, and fitness practice in the community; to give back to the Hudson community through volunteering, participating in events, and partnering with other local business; and to establish our school as a community center for bettering the lives of our residents by promoting healthy and holistic living with dedicated, yogic minded teachers.